Monday, July 28, 2014

Welcome to Physics

Collins High School
 AP Physics Agenda

Instructor: Art Scrivener                                              
School Year: 2014–2015

Take charge of your knowledge.  In our classroom you think, reflect and ask questions about Physics.  I will guide you to being successful.

You will need:
  1. Folder or 3-Ring binder to keep handouts in.
  2. 2-Composition Books (Absolutely Mandatory)
  3. Pencils with erasers
  4. Lined college ruled paper
  5. Graph Paper
  6. A 6 inch or 12 inch ruler
  7. Calculator with Trigonometry functions. I recommend the Ti-30XS MultiView (Ti-84 or Ti-36Pro for AP Physics C Mechanics).
  8. $15 Science lab fee.

Class Rules:
  1. Hall Passes. Please do not interrupt me asking to go to the bathroom.  If you are having an emergency, softly tell me and then quietly leave.  No passes the first and last 10 minutes of class.
  2. Purses/Bags/Packs.  Put under the desk.  Only things on your desk are books, paper, pencil/pen and calculators.
  3. No food or drink.  Water only.  Finish eating before the bell rings.

Cellphones and Electronics:
  1. End the electronic communication when the bell rings and begin the starter.
  2. BYOD means you may use the devices only with my permission not just because you think you are done.
  3. Put the device away when the bell rings.  Put away means off the tabletop. 
  4. Do not bring it out unless specifically told to do so.
  5. If you cannot agree to these rules, I will ask for the device and turn in a referral.

Daily Academic Expectations and Work Habits:
     1.     Come prepared every day.  This means pencil, composition book and text.
  1. Participate in class by taking notes, doing practice problems, answering questions, participating in groups, and working independently.
  2. All homework should be completed prior to entering class.
  3. When working in groups, talk in at a soft volume. 
  4. Try to be neat.  Writing clearly helps you avoid mistakes and helps you see what to do next.
  5. I will not grade a test worked in ink.

Homework Expectations:
1.     All homework is due for unit when the unit test is given.
2.     AP Physics 1 and C:  The tests are heavily curved to the AP grading standards where 50% is an A.  If you do not turn in the homework, you do not get the curve.

What to do if you miss a class:
            Excused Absence: If you have an excused absence with a note, you will be allowed to make-up work, tests, quizzes, and projects with no penalty. You will have the number of days absent plus one to make up and turn in all work.
            Unexcused Absence: If you have an unexcused absence, daily work and homework may be made up at teacher’s discretion.
            Field Trip:  If you know in advance you are going to miss a class, ask for the classwork before hand.

Grading Scale

A = 90% to 100%

B = 80% to 89%

C = 72% to 79%
D = 66% to 71%
U = 0% to 65%
Your 9-week grade will be based on these areas and their percentages:
80% Tests & Labs
20% Class Work, Homework & Participation

Additionally, the Midterm is 10% and the Final is 20% of the overall grade.

You may makeup a test at anytime after showing me you are ready. The higher of the test grades is counted.

Possible Interventions:
Tutoring:  I am available at 7:30 am and will stay until 5:00 pm.
Teacher Conference: I will be available by appointment. Call me to set up a conference.
Your Parent/Guardian has the right to be informed about your grade and conduct at any time during the school year by phone call, e-mail or letter.