Thursday, October 23, 2014

Three Questions

Friday before Fall break I asked my classes three questions:

What should I stop doing?

What should I keep doing?

What should I start doing?

First time I have surveyed any of my classes on their opinion of my teaching other than at the end of the year.  I got some good feedback to reflect on. 

Most requested "stop" - Answering questions with a question.  They take being questioned as showing that they don't know and makes them feel "stupid" and intimidated.  Fair enough.  I need to remember the maxim that it is achievement that builds motivation and not the other way around.  I'll work to build more of a solid foundation they can stand on before firing arrows at them.

Most requested "keep" - Red Ink Quizzes.  These are formative assessments where student self access in red ink and get the feedback on strategies and mistakes in problem solving.  I give credit for the work they do and for the feedback they mark on the page.

Most requested "start" - More Problems.  I feel this is from the AP Physics classes.  They want to gain more confidence they'll be ready for the AP test.  So I'll schedule less labs and more strategy sessions.

Credit to the students that out of 120 responses I received only a handful of silly answers (mostly give out more candy).

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