Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Work Energy Methodology

Work Energy Methodology

1.   Define the System and the Energy States.
2.   Is a NON-CONSERVATIVE FORCE doing any work?
a.    Write the Work-Energy Theorem out completely.
b.   Look for any changes in energies that are zero and cross them out
c.    Expand the Work and Energy Terms
d.   Put in known values
e.    Solve using your calculator
4.   If NO use Conservation of Energy
a.    Write the Conservation of Energy Equation completely with an energy term for each object in the system
b.   Look for any Energies that are Zero and cross them out.
c.    Expand the Energy Terms
d.   Put in known values
e.    Solve using your calculator
5.   Don’t forget simple ideas .   Work changes Energy.  Energy is the ability to do work.

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