Sunday, December 7, 2014

Sonnets vs Haikus

Physics solutions are sonnets, not haiku.

Sonnets are 14 line poems that follow a defined rhyming scheme.
Haiku are simple 3 line poems consisting of phrases, may not rhyme and are open to various interpretations.

I made this statement last week in an effort to conceptualize how some students are able to fully work a multiple step physics problem and some are not.  The successful students follows an algebraic sequence down the page.  The confused students writes disconnected equations and definitions that do not flow logically top to bottom.  The successful students' work is detailed, complete and organized.  The confused students' work is more akin to scratch calculation that do not fit together.

I'm hoping this analogy gives my students a framework to create their solutions around and a path to better navigate the water of physic problems.

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